Veterinary Surgeons | Licence | Veterinary Clinics


The Veterinary Practices Directory is provided under the following Licences

Single Location Licence

A Single Location Licence is granted to companies and organisations requiring to use the Veterinary Practices Directory Database from terminal(s) located in a single location. There is no time limit or restriction of use of the database on multiple terminals within the organisation to which the data was shipped to.

Restrictions apply to the use of the database at separate locations or addresses (be it the same company or individual) to which the directory was posted/ delivered or shipped to

Multi-Location Licence

A Multi- Location Licence is granted to companies and organisations who need to utilize the Veterinary Practices Directory / Database from terminal(s) located in multiple geographical locations. All multiple locations must be part of the same organisation and bear the same name provided by the licensee.

Special Trade Licence

The Special Trade Licence is available to:
1-Exhibitors at pre-approved Veterinary Shows
2-Registered UK Charities
3-Clients issued with a promotional code
4-Government Institutions and Educational Establishments

To apply for a Trade Licence please Telephone us on 020 7727 5016 or email us via our Contact Form

Licence Conditions